Human life is full of many problems. Problems can come and go regardless of social status. Danger is always threatened our lives. Therefore a lot of people who always seek protection for their lives. They tried to keep them alive can always be safe and apart from any problems. In today's also lots of alternative offerings so that we can be apart of the problem or danger.
As people of God, we must be quite selective in this regard. Do not let the problems we face makes us justify every way we can get help or protection. In Jer 17:5 God's Word says that the accursed people who rely on human beings and strength. God wants us to always rely on him in every step of our lives.
Depends entirely on God's help is not an easy thing as turning the palm of the hand. Often times we wait for God's answer is a period that is vulnerable to a variety of solutions offered by this world. We should hold tight to our faith in Jesus.
Then what should we do that we still wish to help from God?
1. Believe God never leaves us
"He will not let your legs wobbly, your guardian will not sleep. Surely not sleeping and not sleeping guard Israel. "Psalm 121:3-4
How long we've been through in the face of a problem does not affect the fidelity of God to be with us. Not even if he left us, even He never let us fall asleep alone.
But often we experience, we feel that God has abandoned us. Quite a few people of God are ultimately disappointed because they felt that God had abandoned them and broken a promise. God that we worship God is not instantaneous. God menginjinkan things happen in our life to test our loyalty.
"For God has said:" I'm not one to let you and I'm not one to leave you. "" Hebrews 13:5 b
The Word of God says that He never even let our own. This is the promise of God for us. Do not depend on our sense of who thinks that God has abandoned us and did not even hear our prayers. Do not make sense as the standard of our faith, because the feeling is easy to change according to circumstances. But faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1).
Even if God seems so far away, we have to remain pious that God is in our hearts. And He never slow to fulfill His word.
2. Be assured that the protection of God is real
"The sun does not harm you by day, or moon by night. The LORD will guard you against any accidents; He will keep your life. "Psalm 121: 6-7
When we rely on God in every step of our lives, He provides protection for all our lives. He will keep our lives from all harm. We can not rely on human power to keep each of our steps. When we have heart-hatipun still facing danger, whether it's traffic accidents, natural disasters, and so forth. We can not protect our children for 24 hours, we can not keep our belongings at all times as well.
But the Word of God gives us assurance that He will keep us from all accidents. He will watch over our lives. He will protect each of his people.
"The Lord is my strength and mazmurku; He has become my salvation. Sound cheers and victory in the tents of the righteous: "The LORD's right hand was doing strength, right hand raised to power of the LORD, the LORD's right hand made of might!" I'm not going to die, but live, and I'll tell you the acts of the LORD. "Psalm 118:14-17
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