Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sidebar Melorot

Sidebar Melorot, Sidebar Bermasalah, questionSudah seminggu lebih, saya mengupdate lagi blog ini dengan beberapa artikel. Namun selama itu juga saya dibuat pusing dengan sidebar yang bermasalah. Melorot dan melorot. Ah... (bikin rambut tambah rontok neh...) saya tangani sendiri berbekal ilmu yang sudah dapat sebelumnya dibeberapa kali melakukan blogwalking. Dan... Nihil! Malah tambah parah. Saking parahnya, templatenya saya ganti sampe berkali-kali. Bahkan sampai saya kembalikan dalam bentuk template klasiknya om blogger.

Yang paling menjengkelkan, semua widget dan terutama kode-kode yang ditaruh di sidebar semua pada berantakan bahkan ada beberapa yang sudah susah untuk disesuaikan lagi dengan template sekarang ini.

Akhirnya, saya kembali lakukan surfing ke blognya para master. Dapat blognya Kang Rohman. Berikut potongan dan ringkasan dari artikelnya "Sidebar Melorot":

Ok langsung aja biar ga tambah pusing. faktor-faktor penyebab sidebar bisa melorot yaitu :

# kita memasukan image atau foto ataupun banner yang ukurannya melebihi lebar element posting

sebuah gambar atau foto ataupun banner yang lebarnya melebihi lebar element posting tidak bisa di otomatisasi pindah kebawah karena tentu saja sebuah gambar adalah satu kesatuan yang utuh sehingga tidak bisa di bagi dua atau di bagi tiga, lain halnya dengan tulisan biasa yang tiap kata mempunyai jarak spasi sehingga bisa di pisahkan. trus bagaimana cara mengatasi hal ini? Untuk mengatasi hal ini tentu saja kita harus memperkecil ukuran lebar dari gambar tadi, caranya yaitu edit kembali postingan yang terdapat gambar tersebut, lalu ketika berada pada kolom posting pilih menu Compose, setelah terlihat gambar yang terlalu besar tadi, arahkan mouse kedalam gambar lalu klik.Jika gambar mouse berubah menjadi anak panah penjuru, arahkan pada tepi gambar tersebut sehingga gambar mouse menjadi anak panah dua arah klik lalu tahan dan geser. setelah gambar di perkecil, ya tinggal di publish lagi trus di lihat apa masih melorot atau sudah baik, jika masih melorot ya tinggal di perkecil lagi gambarnya.

cara yang kedua adalah memberi sedikit kode HTML tambahan yaitu width="...." pada kode image tersebut, tapi tentu saja anda harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu lebar dari element posting kita, untuk mengetahui lebar dari element posting, kita bisa melihat dari template yang kita pakai, setiap template berbeda-bada sehingga saya tidak bisa memberi patokan di manakah letak lebar element posting. tapi bagi anda yang masih bingung ya tinggal di coba aja, trus kalau masih kelebaran ya tinggal di perkecil lagi.

# Memasukan kode HTML yang telalu panjang

Kode HTML yang di pajang pada postingan apabila terlalu panjang ini juga bisa menyebabkan sidebar menjadi melorot, sebagai contoh saya sering memberikan kode HTML kepada para pengunjung untuk bisa mengcopy nya, dan tentunya ini beresiko sidebar menjadi melorot. Untuk mengatasinya saya tuliskan tiga jalan alternatif yakni membuat text area sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan kode-kode yang di rasa sangat panjang, memperkecil ukuran hurup kode HTML tersebut, mencantumkan keterangan bahwa kode tersebut adalah dalam satu baris.

jalan yang terbaik untuk memuat kode HTML yang terlalu panjang adalah dengan membuat text area (cara membuat text area lihat di sini), karena sepanjang apapun kode tersebut tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap lebar element posting sebab yang menjadi ukuran adalah lebar dari text area.

Untuk kode yang relatif agak pendek kita bisa mencoba memperkecil ukuran huruf kode tersebut, untuk memperkecil ukuran huruf tentu saja harus menambahkan suatu kode, kode tersebut bisa berupa :

... kode yang ingin di perkecil ...

nilai dari font size itu tergantung anda tapi yang jelas ukurannya kurang dari 1. contoh "0.1" , "0.2" , "0.3" dan lain-lain. Untuk melihat kode yang sudah saya perkecil silahkan klik di sini.

# Memuat address link yang terlalu panjang

Ada kalanya apabila kita mengambil suatu tulisan dari blog lain dan ingin membuat permanent link ke tulisan tersebut, kita menuliskan address artikel tersebut terlalu panjang. Contoh :

tulisan ini saya ambil dari milik bang rohman

address artikel tersebut sebenarnya bisa di singkat dengan cara :
tulisan ini saya ambil dari kolom tutorial milik bang rohman

dan yang akan tampil di blog akan seperti ini :
tulisan ini saya ambil dari kolom tutorial milik bang rohman

# Memasukan karakter huruf tanpa ada jeda spasi

Bila kita memasukan suatu karakter huruf terlalu panjang tanpa ada jeda spasi, maka karakter tersebut tidak akan bisa di otomatisasi sehingga akan menabrak dinding element posting dan berakibat sidebar jadi melorot. contohnya kita memasukan karakter sama dengan "======", garis bawah "______" tanda bintang " ****** ", tanda pagar " ##### ", dan yang lainnya. Solusinya bila kita ingin memasukan karakter tersebut ya masukin sampai batas dinding element posting jangan lebih

Trus bagaimana kalau semua solusi di atas sudah di lakukan tapi sidebar masih melorot? Jalan keluarnya ya ganti aja templatenya, mungkin template yang anda pakai bermasalah. Cuma jika mau ganti template jangan lupa untuk mengcopy seluruh data template tersebut, ini berguna karena dalam template lama tadi banyak data-data penting semisal kode shoutbox, link, kode gambar dan lainnya. Sehingga ketika mengedit template baru anda tidak usah bolak-balik ke situsnya. untuk mengambil kode.

Hm... berbekal ilmu ini saya menemukan masalahnya di judul postingannya yang terlalu panjang. So, saya langsung buat postingan baru dengan artikelnya yang judulnya terlalu panjang. Sedangkan judulnya saya bikin baru, pendek dan selesainya mantap...berhasil!

Sekarang tinggal mencari template yang cocok buat saya. Maafkan buat teman-teman yang terganggu kenyamanannya.

The steps of faith

The steps of faithBeloved brother in the Lord Jesus, did you ever see the abyss? Although we have never signed or were in a ravine, but we can know that the abyss is a place that uncomfortable. In the gulf there is less light, maybe even dark, nothing whatever could be done there, the gap can be so profound, so that people who are not able to get out in it with his own business, because there was no equipment available to be used, such as ropes , wood or bamboo to be used long enough to reach to the top of the mainland. In such circumstances, it is desperately needed someone / anyone else to give aid.

Brothers, above the gap may also describe the current situation of our life experience. An uncomfortable situation, be in a problem such as pressure / pain, disappointment, failure, loss of hope even to despair. Not knowing what else should we do, and even we can not do anything. In these circumstances we are wondering, for the reasons why the problem happened to us. We can only blame other people, blame the situation, or blame themselves, and so on. However, sometimes we get answers that can make us more frustrated and mourned with great heart.

If that was our experience, do not be sad or sad, there are still many things we can do to immediately get up and get out of the abyss / our problem. Let us learn from reading the Word of God above. The Book of Psalms we hear often also called Psalms of David, and who believed it was written by David. Problems faced by David at that time, he described how the situation and his mood very mournful is the same as being in the lonely abyss, dark and felt wasted.

Dear brothers in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can take a guide on the steps of faith what we have to take when in a problem:

1. Exclaimed with faith, namely prayer. In verses 1 and 2, David in his struggle to come to the Lord humbled and begged mercy. Psalm 50:15 "called out to me in time of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify ME". David expressed the entire contents of his heart to God.

2. Dare correct myself. In verses 3 and 4, David himself revealed that he has faults. This means that many problems were being encountered is that the result of his own actions. He acknowledged that errors to God. Who can bear, if God to remember our mistakes? No one can resist. But we are thankful for His Word, in 1 Yoh.1: 9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, that He will forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
David knew that only the Lord there is forgiveness. God will give forgiveness to those who would repent and confess sin / kesalahannnya. God will heal and restore those who come with an honest heart. God wants to show love faithfulness to all people who are in trouble, so they can know the love, care and goodness.

3. Believe in the Word of God. In verses 5 and 6, David waiting for the Lord and His Word to expect. As David also said, "This is my comfort in affliction, that I turned your promise", Maz.119: 50. David was helpless, he could not do anything because only God alone can forgive him, because he believes only God and waiting for him. David Soul waiting, it is the center of the human personality. God alone is able to help him, so he was expecting the Lord. David said, more than the guardian of hope in the morning, up to 2 times, this shows the greatness of longing, and her hope in God. David focused on God and His Word. David is very confident that the Word of God it must have happened to him.

4. Remain hopeful and looking forward to the Lord. In verse 7, through his experience that David has called us to expect people to believe in God! People who hope in God, certainly never bored, but patiently waiting for God's help arrived. For only in God there is mercy, and He is the liberator us.

Dear brothers, let's learn from what David did when he was in the gap problem. David cried out to God in prayer, will correct themselves, still believe in the Word of God and hope and patiently wait for God's help. If we want to do as has been done by David, then God help us, God will remove us from the abyss of our problems. God can do it, gives us His help, provide a way out of any of our problems, heal us from illness, raise us, and restore our state.

Amen! Lord Jesus Christ bless you.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Getting Help From the Lord

Getting Help From the Lord"I cast my eyes to the mountains whence will come my help? My help is from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. "Psalm 121:1-2

Human life is full of many problems. Problems can come and go regardless of social status. Danger is always threatened our lives. Therefore a lot of people who always seek protection for their lives. They tried to keep them alive can always be safe and apart from any problems. In today's also lots of alternative offerings so that we can be apart of the problem or danger.

As people of God, we must be quite selective in this regard. Do not let the problems we face makes us justify every way we can get help or protection. In Jer 17:5 God's Word says that the accursed people who rely on human beings and strength. God wants us to always rely on him in every step of our lives.

Depends entirely on God's help is not an easy thing as turning the palm of the hand. Often times we wait for God's answer is a period that is vulnerable to a variety of solutions offered by this world. We should hold tight to our faith in Jesus.

Then what should we do that we still wish to help from God?

1. Believe God never leaves us
"He will not let your legs wobbly, your guardian will not sleep. Surely not sleeping and not sleeping guard Israel. "Psalm 121:3-4

How long we've been through in the face of a problem does not affect the fidelity of God to be with us. Not even if he left us, even He never let us fall asleep alone.

But often we experience, we feel that God has abandoned us. Quite a few people of God are ultimately disappointed because they felt that God had abandoned them and broken a promise. God that we worship God is not instantaneous. God menginjinkan things happen in our life to test our loyalty.

"For God has said:" I'm not one to let you and I'm not one to leave you. "" Hebrews 13:5 b

The Word of God says that He never even let our own. This is the promise of God for us. Do not depend on our sense of who thinks that God has abandoned us and did not even hear our prayers. Do not make sense as the standard of our faith, because the feeling is easy to change according to circumstances. But faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1).

Even if God seems so far away, we have to remain pious that God is in our hearts. And He never slow to fulfill His word.

2. Be assured that the protection of God is real
"The sun does not harm you by day, or moon by night. The LORD will guard you against any accidents; He will keep your life. "Psalm 121: 6-7

When we rely on God in every step of our lives, He provides protection for all our lives. He will keep our lives from all harm. We can not rely on human power to keep each of our steps. When we have heart-hatipun still facing danger, whether it's traffic accidents, natural disasters, and so forth. We can not protect our children for 24 hours, we can not keep our belongings at all times as well.

But the Word of God gives us assurance that He will keep us from all accidents. He will watch over our lives. He will protect each of his people.

"The Lord is my strength and mazmurku; He has become my salvation. Sound cheers and victory in the tents of the righteous: "The LORD's right hand was doing strength, right hand raised to power of the LORD, the LORD's right hand made of might!" I'm not going to die, but live, and I'll tell you the acts of the LORD. "Psalm 118:14-17

Faithful Friend

Jesus, Faithful Friend"I did not call you servants anymore, because I do not know, what was done by the master, but I call you friends, because I had told you everything I have heard from My Father." John 15:15

Human life can not be separated from social interaction. Every person must have a close friend or a so-called friends. Closest friend is a person in our lives. They are always entertaining, listening, accompanying, even willing to sacrifice his life for our help.

Likewise, as God's people, we get the privilege to be able to have a friend close to us. Jesus has raised us to be his best friend (John 15:15). This is a great gift, because we do not choose just anyone to be our friend.

What can we get through friendship with Jesus? What is the meaning of this friendship?

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Friday, October 23, 2009

3 Keys to Get Power In The difficult

Get Power In The difficult"Though the fig tree is not flowering, vine does not bear fruit, olive trees disappointing results, even if the fields do not produce food, sheep driven from captivity, and no cattle in a pen, but I will rejoice in the LORD, joy in the God who saved me. GOD my Lord my strength: He makes my feet like deer's feet, he let me set foot on the hill-bukitku. "Habakkuk 3:17-19

Habakkuk lived during the era in which the Israelites were oppressed by his enemies. It's not an easy thing for him to continue to defend his faith. Periods where the enemy is always difficult to suppress, to make all aspects of life affected. The fields are usually the places that bring income and a place of confluence of livelihood is no longer bearing fruit. Livestock are the property dispelled from the cage. No more saving for him. While he has needs that must be kept filled.

Are not these things also that many experienced by the people of God? Global crisis that is happening lately caused a very large impact. So much a reduction in labor throughout the world. No exception in Indonesia, more and more unemployment occur everywhere. Job or business that is still running, did not become easier. The more stress in our lives. But if we give up with that situation?

Let us learn from the prophet Habakkuk, how she got her strength during difficult times.

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Diligent search for the hidden spiritual treasure

hidden spiritual treasure, hidden treasure
The spirit of fiery very good in a job. But if the spirit was only done at the beginning, then it would be in vain. Persistence is more important to achieve a success. Wealth and success can not be obtained only in a short time. Everything takes time and struggle. This is why patience is very necessary. Sense of saturation must be defeated with the belief that if we work diligently senantias, then we will get what we all aspire.

Hidden spiritual treasure which must also be sought with diligence. Many people who stopped in the middle of the road when they are not getting what they are looking for. They think in serving the Lord's work in the church would soon change their lives. Or there is the thought that when I started diligently read the Word of God is the blessing of God will soon flow.

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Build discipline in seeking God's face

Discipline is absolutely necessary for job success, career, business, or for any activity we do. People who do not discipline or negligent in doing their job will not get maximum results (2 Thessalonians 3:7-8).

This is true also when we seek God and to build an intimate communion with Him. The people who discipline in seeking the blessing of God will get much larger than those who neglected to do so.

Build discipline in seeking God's face. Set a time in a day where we can seek His face other activities undisturbed. True to the time we set it and run with full discipline. The most ideal time is in the morning where our minds have not been met by a hive of activity and problems. But all of our own terpulang who live it.

Seeking God we must do every day

When we work for money, we work every day. There is work 5 days in 1 week, there are 6 days in 1 week, and some have worked 7 days in 1 week. One day, we're not working, then it will reduce the income or salary we will get in the end.

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Spiritual treasures which are valuable

"If you look like a search for silver, and chasing after him like a hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:4-5

Human busied himself with various kinds of jobs they can do, in order to achieve their dreams or goals each. There who want to achieve success, wealth, status, career, comfort, standard of living a better and more ideals to achieve. The results will be obtained is determined by effort and hard work done. The more enterprising and diligent to do a job or business, the more closely the success or the ideals of a dream. And God will never owe for each of His people who actually do their jobs diligently.

But one thing that should not be forgotten is the spiritual thing. Physical and spiritual activities to be done in a balanced way. When we tend to be more heavily to one of them, then the balance of our lives will begin to interfere.

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God's Abundance

With the increasing price of basic commodities in the market, the more people managing your money as well as possible. Expenses are considered not very important, trimmed. As much as possible they do not waste the things that are not important. The principle of giving becomes a forgotten thing for many people. They think that for their own needs just had a mediocre, what if they need to help others as well.

As people of God we must understand the principles that God teaches us. The path of God can not be limited by our reason and logic. Logic says that two plus two equals four, but God actually perform miracles by feeding 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Even the fact that there are as many as 12 baskets (Mark 6:34-44).

Let us see how can I make miracles happen in our lives:

1. Give thanks to what we have

"And after he took the five loaves and two fish, He looked up into the sky and gave thanks to" Mark 6:41

God Himself give thanks for what was at that time. He did not see the limitations that they had at the time. They need much more than just 5 loaves and 2 fish. But He is God Almighty. He can afford that does not exist into existence.

Regardless of what we have today, let us give thanks in it. Maybe we are not earning much. Perhaps wealth that we have means nothing compared to others. Or even in a state that we are always needy. Let us learn to give thanks in all circumstances we are. Thanksgiving is the key to the door thanks to the abundance.

2. Learning to give

"Give and ye shall be ...." Luke 6:38

The principle of giving should we apply in our lives. If we miss blessed by God, we must learn to give. God's Word clearly says that when we learn to give, then that's when we will receive a blessing from God.

Learn to set aside some of what we have. While our finances might not be possible anymore to give, we still have to learn to give. Learning to return tithe of our income, learning to give to those in need, we will see the doors of blessing will be opened for us. Even God says, "Test me, says the LORD of hosts, if I did not open the casement, casement you heaven and pour out so much blessing abundantly" Mal 3:10

God will not owe to His people. He will bless our lives the more, when we learn to give.

3. Give to what is in our

"But He said to them:" How much bread have you? Try to check! "Having examined them said:" Five loaves and two fishes. "Mark 6: 38

Lord Jesus and his disciples to feed the 5000 people only by what is in them and mujizatpun happen. Abundant blessings experienced by the 5000 people, they ate until full.

Thanks to a third key is to give with what we have, not by what we do not have. Often we want to help others, when we ourselves can not help them. So in the end we helped them with a bit forced, with the debt to other parties or even selling an existing property to help that person.

Giving is not from something we do not have, but from what we have. But that does not mean this to be a reason for us to not learn to give. Ask for wisdom to God, when it's time to give. God will guide our lives, so we will still be able to provide with what is ours.

Let us acknowledge what we have at this time. There are extraordinary power of a blessing, miracles can happen through thanksgiving. Learning to give of our weaknesses. And give with what we have. We will see the power of God working in our lives. Jobs and our efforts will increasingly be blessed. Even the doors of the new blessing of God opened for us.

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